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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lovely East Coast Weather

So, since we've been in Maryland, we've survived several severe thunderstorms with power outages, (Mom, I can I borrow the bear light lol), an earthquake from a obscure not well known fault line, and now we've got hurricane Irene scheduled to hit Maryland Saturday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. The general consensus is that by the time it hits us further inland, its more of a tropical storm, but still 60 mile and hour winds, lots of rain, probable power outages, and earlier they said that the storm had shifted more towards the left, so its going to be even closer. They predict that its going to be hitting east of Washington DC, so we're definitely going to be getting something here. When you look at for Knoxville MD, for Saturday and Sunday there's bold red print saying Hurricane Irene. So we'll see how we survive our first hurricane.

On a different note, I found someone to lease Saphira two days a week, which is awesome. She came out and rode this morning, and is coming back out on Saturday as long as the weather holds in the morning. A lot of stress is now relieved having someone to work Saphira, and I get a little extra cash as well.

Still don't have a job, but still looking. Lori asked us if we wanted another table and 4 chairs to which I said yes, and when I went to look at them the other day, she also gave us a nice couch as well. Its very nice to have something with lots of space to sit on to watch tv, and hang out. It also smells nice too. No musty weird smells to try and get out of the fabric. The table is going to be my puzzle table for the moment, and the chairs will be probably be put in my office for now, though I will probably use one for my computer chair until we have money to get a better one for me. Excited that we were able to get all this free furniture though. We now just need a bed and dresser for the guest bedroom. We will keep you updated on the latest weather information as we hear it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

More Antibiotics

I woke up at the beginning of the week not feeling so well, then was feeling pretty good by Wednesday, woke up Thursday feeling sick, and woke up today feeling even worse. Not a good week, and then to top it off went to the dentist again, and he prescribed penicillin antibiotics because I still have some sort of infection going on, as my tooth still does hurt on and off, and is still sore when he cleans it out. So hopefully this new antibiotic will kill whatever the other antibiotic didn't, and I can finally get it filled in next Friday. I really am going to be their permanent Friday patient and the rate I'm going lol. At least they aren't charging me for the visits.

Dustin was awesome, and let me get red velvet cake mix, and cream cheese frosting, so I can have a treat myself, since I'm not as big a fan of chocolate chip cookies as he is. So in the next few days I'm going to have fun and make myself a cake.

I am still on the hunt for a job, haven't had any call backs or offers yet, so this next week I'm going to head out to the race track, and see if they need help there. I'm just trying to let people know I'm looking for a job, when I got places, like the feed store, so that maybe if they hear of something, either I will hear about it from them when I go in next, or I will get a call from the person looking, since word of mouth is so big around here.  First of course I need to get better again, since going in sick somewhere asking for a job is not the type of impression I want to leave on someone.

On a different note, Dustin's parents booked their flights to come out and visit at the end of September, so that makes us excited. Hopefully we'll both be able to go up and see Ryan, Jennifer, and JJ with them as well. So happy end of the day news.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday Night Fun

Dustin and I had our weekly date night last night. Every week generally on Sundays we try to do something either at night, or during the day, so last night we watched Remember The Titans, and had pizza. Its nice to have a day set aside where we do something together, spice things up a little bit outside of the norm so that we don't end up getting in a rut where we don't do much together outside of work and the house.

I've rented a couple movies from the library so far, and even though they don't have the biggest selection, its nice and convenient, and they do have a few good movies I like watching. And here you can actually renew them, as well as check out magazines.

We went to the dentist in the afternoon, and then Wal-Mart for our weekly shopping trip. The dentist didn't fill in my tooth this time, he just cleaned it out and put more medicine in it again. So I have an appointment next Friday, where hopefully he'll finally fill it in. Though I do prefer that he be absolutely confident that the infection is all gone before closing it up, as I don't want any more issues down the road. It doesn't hurt at all anymore, and it only hurt a little bit as he was cleaning it out yesterday. So there is hope that its finally healing.

We went to the Wal-Mart in Frederick this time, instead of Charles Town, and they actually have a better selection of food, and a bigger store. I found the Red Mill cereal and baking mixes which the Charles Town store doesn't have. 

I got Febreeze to hopefully make the chair smell better, since it does smell musty from being in the cellar. The Febreeze seems to be working relatively well, but I think it will take a few treatments before the smell is completely gone. We are also working on getting the smell out of the wood dressers and desk, since they too smell pretty musty. Any suggestions on how to do that would be wonderful, as we are tired of the room smelling.

A happy ending note, it sounds like Dustin's parents are going to come visit from September 21st to the 27th, and I'm happy that we can see some family before my birthday. And then of course we have my parents looking to come out for thanksgiving and my birthday, which will make my birthday even more special. Of course at some point we do want to get together with Ryan, Jennifer, and JJ, and do something fun and exciting. Maybe they can show us some of the awesome things New York has to offer.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Finding Jobs

So the search is still on, I still haven't managed to get much of anywhere with the job search which is frustrating. Dustin encouraged me to sign up for oDesk, which is what he has, and where he got his work. Its geared a bit more towards programming and web design, but they do have sections for office management, and support and stuff like that. Its all online, but if I can get at least a few hours, that will help. So I've been taking a few tests here and there since I don't have any work history on oDesk, and have proven to be very efficient in several different areas that I had no idea I was that good at. Makes me feel better, and hopefully I will be able to get something soon. And if I do that, it gives me more time to go out and find clients who want horse help, and go looking around at the barns in the area, and keep working at finding something horse related.

We went and got our licenses yesterday, so we are official Maryland residents now. I found a what looks like cute eclectic coffee shop in Brunswick, and at some point soon I would like to do with Dustin, see if we can meet a few people our age, and start getting out more. I love Dustin, but it does get a little lonely sometimes when its always just the two of us, so you guys all need to plan trips out here to come visit us lol. The coffee shop is in an old reformed church with lots of stained glass windows, very pretty looking on the outside. Its got several stories, lots of space, an area set aside just for internet, and they do offer for a price their own computers if you don't have one. They are kind of like a Panera and Starbucks, and Primo Cafe all rolled into one. And they have live bands come play several days a week, as well as a book shelf full of books, and lots of couches so you can just curl up and read if you want to. So we are going to have to check it out.

On a different note, I ended up having to go back into the dentist the other day, because my tooth was starting to hurt again after starting to feel better. He reopened it, and put more medicine in, and after about 10 minutes of really painful pressure building up, it just literally popped and disappeared. And so far has been doing great. So we all are thinking that we'll just be getting it filled today, and that will be the end of it. I am just glad to not be having any pain at all, and he didn't charge us for the appointment the other day, so hopefully we won't be spending any more money. Now if my other couple of teeth that are still sensitive would stop being sensitive I'd be happy, but we'll just have to see if the continued use of my sensodyne will help, as it has with some of the teeth already. So here's to hoping that its a quick fill today, and nothing else goes wrong.

I've been thinking about newspapers, and I think it would be a great way to get to know the area, and see whats going on, in addition to the classifieds which it seems like they definitely use here. I know that the house is one house, so I can't order a newspaper to be delivered to us, because the grandma already gets a newspaper, and they don't sent two to the same house, unless there's something I missed. So I'm thinking of going out on Sunday and getting the local paper somewhere, and seeing just how useful it is. The library has a lot of resources, but it would be nice to know even more about the area, and whats happening around town. Hopefully soon we can get out there and meet some people and start to have a social life. Everything else here is good, still love the area, I have several plants that are growing like weeds, and am slowly adding to my collection, and after the winter am hoping to be able to set up a raised garden bed outside so I can grow some fruits and vegetables, and start having some good home grown food.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Fun

So we opted not to go to Harpers Ferry today, as I am still not feeling totally up to par, and Dustin wanted to get some more work in today since he wasn't able to work much on Friday. But it all worked out, Lori from the barn called and said that they were cleaning out the basement under the farmhouse, and had some furniture they were just going to give us, and to come over and see what we wanted. We ended up getting a nice big computer desk, a nice size dresser, a nice lazy boy type chair that rocks as well, probably going to end up being my reading chair lol. We got a nice chest, a tv stand, a mirror that goes with the dresser, and another upright type of dresser with two drawers on the bottom, and then a cabinet with several small drawers inside of it. Greg, Lori's husband put it all in his trailer, and brought it over and helped Dustin move all the stuff into the house which was very nice. Oh, and we also got a small coffee table with a cabinet underneath. So half the battle of getting furniture is now done, and we are very pleased to have been able to get the stuff, and very happy that Lori and Greg were so willing to help us out. So we spent 10 dollars on one of the pieces as it was owned by someone else who wanted a little bit of money for it, and then we gave Lori and Greg another 10 dollars for loading and unloading everything, and driving it to the house. The only thing we need to do is a good cleaning job on everything since it was in the dampish basement, and hasn't been cleaned in quite a while. But for free furniture, its definitely worth the extra time having to clean it, and we just got a big thing of Pine Sol cleaner at Wal Mart last night, so we are putting it to good use. We are very happy that we've finally got some furniture, and can move our clothes off of the floor. It will make the bedroom look so much neater, and with the tv stand, I don't have to worry about the possibility of my tv falling through the box that it is currently sitting on top of, and it will be at a more normal angle for easier watching. I can't wait to try it out, and finally have a place to put my dvds. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tooth Troubles

So, we ended up going through Boonsboro, and into Hagerstown today. Unfortunately I did not get to enjoy the sights. I went to the dentist because I was having severe tooth pain, and found out that I need a root canal done now. So for the next week I'm on antibiotics, and pain meds to try and control the pain, and then I have my next appointment Friday, and hopefully he'll be able to fill in the tooth, and I'll be done AGAIN with my teeth. Fortunately this place was recommended to me by Lori from the barn, and they stayed open late for me today so that I didn't have to go for the weekend with my tooth like that. I'm very appreciative, and am glad that they started work on it so that its not as painful while I'm taking the antibiotics. I definitely do not ever want to be in that much pain again.

On a different note, this Sunday, we are hoping to go spend the day walking around the town in Harpers Ferry, and see the sights, and have a picnic. We drove through it last Sunday, but had other things we wanted to do, so this Sunday will be our day to walk around, and that way when my parents come up for Thanksgiving we can take them there, and show them our favorite things. We will definitely take some pictures and post them for you all to see.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Lower Depths

Looking down the cobweb lined steps into the cellar reminded me of every horror movie I can think of. I certainly did not want to go down to the lower depths of our house. I was plenty happy staying out, but we were having heating oil delivered, so I figured I should take a look to see what the oil tank looked like before they arrived.

What a pleasant surprise. Once you make it down the four cobblestone steps that have just enough shape to be considered stairs, with cobwebs in every corner of every step, then duck down under the cobweb lined wooden support, unlock and throw all your weight into the door to push it open... it's like entering another world. Everything is so nice and clean, ground is swept up, wooden table with brand new looking wood, (mind you the table legs are brand new fresh wood, but the actual table part is one of the old doors from the house lol.) New looking water heater, new furnace, sure the oil tank looks a bit old, but everything was amazingly clean looking.

I was quite pleasantly surprised. The bill to fill the oil tank was quite another matter, but at least I got past that step. We were all a bit worried about venturing down into the cellar. It wasn't so bad after all.